Sookie & Finn for your toddler’s speech development and vocabulary

22/03/2012 18:04

Welcome to the fantastic world of “Sookie & Finn” where parents worried about their toddler not talking, are able to get useful material which help their children build vocabulary and immediately start using their first words.

Sookie & Finn range includes fun and entertaining animation films with great nursery rhymes to help toddlers understand, speak and acquire vocabulary and are complemented by related flashcards. Using familiar daily settings, Sookie and Finn do what toddlers do daily. With all the songs and fun, children don’t even realize they are actually being taught about speech, words or manners!

Our products use teaching methods refined by educational research combined with input by expert speech therapists. The DVDs have been recognized as excellent for this purpose and have received numerous awards.

The key to Sookie and Finn’s success has been threefold:

Fun, entertaining and simple graphics keep the children interested and they enjoy watching the show;

The slow pace gives children plenty of time to understand what’s going on;

And last but not least the familiar storyline gives the toddlers the perfect opportunity to experience and use the same words throughout the day even when not watching the products.

We also want to give the parents the opportunity to go over and repeat the words taught in Sookie and Finn with their children. This will help cement what the children have learned and let them hear the words used by an adult. Simply watching together with the children and repeating the vocabulary will increase toddler comprehension. Another way is using the flashcards in a separate session. This would help the child to retain more words in the long term.

We are very confident you will find Sookie and Finn series very useful for its purpose. For more information about us or to purchase please have a glance at the site: