Protect you and your family with “Universal K9”

23/03/2012 13:46

Universal K9” is one of the best places where you will find highly trained personal protection dogs, dual purpose dogs, selection tested dogs, hunting dogs, arson dogs, explosives dogs, narcotics dogs, demining dogs for sale. These dogs are deemed as the best dogs as they not only provide great protection to you and your family, but at the same time facilitate you to keep your peace of mind simply safe.

We have a broad range of Personal Protection Dog for sale who are reliable and trustworthy and provide around-the-clock peace of mind. Our protection dogs have so many features such as moderate aggressiveness, loyalty, alertness, intelligence, dominance and many more. We coach dogs in real life environment so as to prepare them bold and confident. They go through daily practice in obedience; defense and liveliness to keep their skills sharpen. Our skilled dogs will secure your home or business with a perseverance that no human guard can ever equal. We also offer the handler training courses for you and also provide complete and comprehensive training video that will help you to understand how to control your dog and how to behave with them.

Our great selection of Police Dog for sale includes varieties of breeds such as Belgian Malionos, German Shepherds and Dutch Shepherds. These days, in most major cities police forces makes use police dogs to catch out criminals, search structures, sniff out illegal materials and do other tasks human police officers can't do and a dog can. Our all police dogs are trained in single or dual purpose actions will help your department in prevention and detection of crime.

At “Universal K9”, you will find the greatly skilled protection dogs that will not only bring a relaxing feeling of security to your home but also the companionship of a beloved pet. We also offer the contract searches for transit terminals, businesses, schools and personals. You can also call us on 210-858-6830 for more information.

Please visit us at for more detailed information about our dogs.