An eBook to overcome your jealousy
Interested in buying a good book with the aim to enhance your love with your soul? Or want solutions to get rid of the jealousy you maybe experience from time to time? Or want to enhance your relationship to live a more joyful and sexually fulfilling life? Then “” is the exact place where you find all the solutions for your problems. In our eBook we find that love and jealousy often go hand in hand but leave very different impacts on your life. Where love refers to the positivity of all the good feelings we have inside, being jealous brings us in contact with our negativity and emotions like anger, fear and insecurity.
According to the common definition of jealousy you only experience it if you are a very insecure person. We don’t think that this is right at all. Experiencing jealousy is something nearly everyone goes through and even at an age of only six month we seem to be capable of feeling something which can be interpreted as jealousy. Our book gives you tips on how to deal with jealousy and what the benefits for yourself and your relationship will be when you learn to tame this inner dragon.
But caution: This book contains dynamite-like experiences and you should not read it if you are afraid of any change it could cause in your life. It provides many different ways on how to deal with jealousy, which are coming from very personal experience. Some of the points mentioned in our eBook on dealing with jealousy may just blow your mind, because the author is living a totally uncommon life. It’s a way which led her to a life with more trust, unconditional love, freedom and joy and she wants to share her experiences with you and give you a chance to begin thinking outside of the box. So don’t compare yourself with her but find your very personal way on how to live a relationship, which is based on honesty, truth, trust and love.
For more details on this mind blowing book that will help you to lead a life in freedom and will help you to get rid of your jealousy please visit us at: